「中国製造2025」は中国のために機能しているか? 中国上場企業による実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「Does "Made in China 2025" Work for China? Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms」で、著者はLee G. Branstetter(カーネギーメロン大)、Guangwei Li(上海科技大)。

Rising concern over the impact of Chinese industrial policy has led to severe trade tensions between China and some of its major trading partners. In recent years, foreign criticism has increasingly focused on the so-called "Made in China 2025" initiative. In this paper, we use information extracted from Chinese listed firms' financial reports and a difference-in-differences approach to examine how the "Made in China 2025" policy initiative has impacted firms' receipt of subsidies, R&D expenditure, patenting, productivity, and profitability. We find that while more innovation promotion subsidies seem to flow into the listed firms targeted by the policy, we see little statistical evidence of productivity improvement or increases in R&D expenditure, patenting and profitability. This paper suggests that the “Made in China 2025” initiative may have not yet achieved its target goals.


というNBER論文をDavid Altigやコトリコフらが上げている同じNBERサイトのungated版)。原題は「How Much Lifetime Social Security Benefits Are Americans Leaving On the Table?」で、著者はDavid Altig(アトランタ連銀)、Laurence J. Kotlikoff(ボストン大)、Victor Yifan Ye(オープンドア・テクノロジーズ)。

Americans are notoriously bad savers. Large numbers are reaching old age too poor to finance retirements that could last longer than they worked. This study uses the 2018 American Community Survey to impute retirement ages for 2019 Survey of Consumer Finance (SCF) respondents. Next, we run the SCF respondents through the Fiscal Analyzer (TFA) to measure the size and distribution of forgone lifetime Social Security benefits. TFA is a life-cycle, consumption-smoothing research tool that incorporates Social Security and all other major federal and state tax and benefit policies. The program can optimize lifetime Social Security choices. We find that virtually all American workers age 45 to 62 should wait beyond age 65 to collect. More than 90 percent should wait till age 70. Only 10.2 percent appear to do so. The median loss for this age group in the present value of household lifetime discretionary spending is $182,370. Optimizing would produce a 10.4 percent increase in typical workers’ lifetime spending. For one in four, the lifetime spending gain exceeds 17 percent. For one in ten, the gain exceeds 26 percent. Among the poorest fifth of 45 to 62 year-olds, the median lifetime spending increase is 15.9 percent, with one in four gaining more than 27.4 percent.
米国人は貯蓄下手で悪名高い。多くの人が、労働した期間より長いものとなり得る退職後の期間を賄うには貧し過ぎる状態で高齢者となる。本研究は、2018年の米国共同体調査*1を用いて、2019年の消費者金融調査(SCF)*2の回答者の退職年齢を補完推計した。次に我々は、SCF回答者をthe Fiscal Analyzer(TFA)*3に掛け、生涯の社会保障における逸失利得の規模と分布を測定した。TFAは、社会保障など主要な連邦と州の税と給付の内容をすべて取り込んだ、消費を平滑化するライフサイクルの研究ツールである。このプログラムは、生涯の社会保障の選択を最適化できる。我々は、45歳から62歳の事実上すべての米国人労働者が、年金受給開始を65歳以上になるまで待つべきであることを見い出した。90%以上は70歳になるまで待つべきである。実際にそうしているのは10.2%に過ぎないように見える。この年齢層の損失の中央値は、家計の生涯の裁量的支出の現在価値にして18万2370ドルである。最適化により、平均的な労働者の生涯支出は10.4%増え、4人に1人は17%以上、10人に1人は26%以上増える。45歳から62歳の五分位のうち最も貧困な層では、生涯支出の増加の中央値は15.9%であり、4人に1人は27.4%以上増加する。


  • 22.4-33.1%の家計が社会保障の最適化の結果として借り入れ制約を受けることになる
  • 現在の年における平均的な裁量支出の削減額が7.0%ないし2714ドルに上る


*1:cf. American Community Survey - Wikipediaここここで紹介した論文でも使われている。

*2:cf. Survey of Consumer Finances - Wikipedia

*3:cf. コトリコフによるマニュアル。今回の論文の著者らが以前に書いたここで紹介した論文でも使用している。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「International Climate Agreements and the Scream of Greta」で、著者はGiovanni Maggi(イェール大)、Robert W. Staiger(ダートマス大)。

Current policies directed at mitigating global warming appear unlikely to prevent temperatures from rising to levels that would trigger a precipitous increase in the costs of climate change. Various attempts at international cooperation to avoid this outcome have failed. Why is this problem so intractable? Can we expect an 11th-hour solution? Will some countries, or even all, succumb on the equilibrium path? We address these questions through a model that features the possibility of climate catastrophe and emphasizes the role of international externalities that a country’s policies exert on other countries and intertemporal externalities that current generations exert on future generations. Within this setting, we explore the extent to which international agreements can mitigate the problem of climate change. Our analysis illuminates the role that international climate agreements can be expected to play in addressing climate change, and it points to important limitations on what such agreements can achieve, even under the best of circumstances.
地球温暖化を緩和する現行の政策が、気候変動のコストの急激な増加を引き起こす水準に気温が上昇することを防ぐ可能性は低いように見える。そうした帰結を防ぐ国際協力の様々な試みは失敗した。なぜこの問題はこれほど手に負えないのか? 土壇場での解決を期待して良いのであろうか? 一部の国、あるいは全ての国さえもが均衡経路で敗れ去るのだろうか? 我々は、気候のカタストロフの可能性を特性として持ち、ある国の政策が他国に及ぼす国際的な外部性と、現世代が将来世代に及ぼす異時点間の外部性の役割に力点を置いたモデルでこの問題に取り組んだ。この枠組みで我々は、国際合意がどの程度気候変動問題を緩和するかを追究した。我々の分析は、国際的な気候に関する合意が気候変動に対処する上で果たせると期待される役割を解明し、そうした合意が最善の状況下でも達成できることの重要な限界を指摘する。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Global Profit Shifting, 1975-2019」で、著者はLudvig S. Wier(コペンハーゲン大)、Gabriel Zucman(UCバークレー)。

This paper constructs time series of global profit shifting covering the 2015–19 period, during which major international efforts were implemented to curb profit shifting. We find that (i) multinational profits grew faster than global profits, (ii) the share of multinational profits booked in tax havens remained constant at around 37 per cent, and (iii) the fraction of global corporate tax revenue lost due to profit shifting rose from 9 to 10 per cent. We extend our time series back to 1975 and document a remarkable increase of multinational profits and global profit shifting from 1975 to 2019.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Firm Sorting and Spatial Inequality」で、著者はIlse Lindenlaub、Ryungha Oh、Michael Peters(いずれもイェール大)。

We study the importance of firm sorting for spatial inequality. If productive locations are able to attract the most productive firms, then firm sorting acts as an amplifier of spatial inequality. We develop a novel model of spatial firm sorting, in which heterogeneous firms first choose a location and then hire workers in a frictional local labor market. Firms' location choices are guided by a fundamental trade-off: Operating in productive locations increases output per worker, but sharing a labor market with other productive firms makes it hard to poach and retain workers, and hence limits firm size. We show that sorting between firms and locations is positive—i.e., more productive firms settle in more productive locations—if firm and location productivity are complements and labor market frictions are sufficiently large. We estimate our model using administrative data from Germany and find that highly productive firms indeed sort into the most productive locations. In our main application, we quantify the role of firm sorting for wage differences between East and West Germany, which reveals that firm sorting accounts for 17%-27% of the West-East wage gap.


というNBER論文をFrancis X. Dieboldらが上げているungated版)。原題は「A New Test for Market Efficiency and Uncovered Interest Parity」で、著者はRichard T. Baillie(ミシガン州立大)、Francis X. Diebold(ペンシルベニア大)、George Kapetanios(ロンドン大)、Kun Ho Kim(コンコルディア大)。

We suggest a new single-equation test for Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) based on a dynamic regression approach. The method provides consistent and asymptotically efficient parameter estimates, and is not dependent on assumptions of strict exogeneity. This new approach is asymptotically more efficient than the common approach of using OLS with HAC robust standard errors in the static forward premium regression. The coefficient estimates when spot return changes are regressed on the forward premium are all positive and remarkably stable across currencies. These estimates are considerably larger than those of previous studies, which frequently find negative coefficients. The method also has the advantage of showing dynamic effects of risk premia, or other events that may lead to rejection of UIP or the efficient markets hypothesis.

*1:cf. ここ


というNBER論文をバナジー=デュフロらが上げている。原題は「The Impact of Large-Scale Social Media Advertising Campaigns on COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from Two Randomized Controlled Trials」で、著者はLisa Y. Ho(MIT)、Emily Breza(ハーバード大)、Marcella Alsan(ハーバード大)、Abhijit Banerjee(MIT)、Arun G. Chandrasekhar(スタンフォード大)、Fatima Cody Stanfordマサチューセッツ総合病院)、Renato Fior(パリ公立病院連合)、Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham(イェール大)、Kelly Holland(リン・コミュニティ・ヘルス・センター)、Emily Hoppe(ジョンズ・ホプキンズ看護学校)、Louis-Maël Jean(アブドゥル・ラティフ・ジャミール貧困アクション研究所)、Lucy Ogbu-Nwobodo(マサチューセッツ総合病院)、Benjamin A. Olken(MIT)、Carlos Torres(マサチューセッツ総合病院)、Pierre-Luc Vautrey(MIT)、Erica Warner(マサチューセッツ総合病院)、Esther Duflo(MIT)。

COVID-19 vaccines are widely available in wealthy countries, yet many people remain unvaccinated. Understanding the effectiveness -- or lack thereof -- of popular vaccination campaign strategies is therefore critical. In this paper, we report results from two studies that tested strategies central to current vaccination outreach: (1) direct communication by health professionals addressing questions about vaccination and (2) efforts to motivate individuals to promote vaccination within their social networks. Near the peak of the Omicron wave, doctor- and nurse-produced videos were disseminated to 17.8 million Facebook users in the US and 11.5 million in France. In both countries, we cannot reject the null of no effect of any of the interventions on any of the outcome variables (first doses - US and France, second doses and boosters - US). We can reject very small effects on first doses during the interventions in both countries (0.16pp - US, 0.021pp - France). In contrast with similar campaigns earlier in the pandemic to encourage health-preserving behaviors, messaging at this stage of the pandemic -- whether aimed at the unvaccinated or those tasked with encouraging others -- did not change vaccination decisions.

