

特に最後のBraultの連ツイでの指摘は、論文の著者の一人のDaniel J. McDonaldも認めたようにみえる(謝辞を返している)ほか、Del Negroも認めたようにみえる(やはり謝意を評している)ので、論文の前半のポイントについて現時点での一つの痛打になっているように見受けられる。以下はその連ツイ。

An update to my previous thread on the McDonald-Shalizi paper. After looking at their codes I believe the findings in this paper are a result of coding errors. Not to do with the optim. procedure, but with the definition of model and data. Explanation in the following tweets.
Many LRE DSGE models are written in a canonical form and solved using Chris Sims Gensys routine. The canonical form is given by T0*y(t) = T1*y(t-1) + PSI*z(t) + PI*eta(t), where the y’s refer to model variables, z to exogenous variables, and eta’s to expectation errors.
T0, T1, PSI, and PI are just coefficient matrices defining the equations of the model. When writing down the model the authors include the standard deviations of the structural shocks (the “sigmas”) as parameters in PSI.
This means that any shock in z(t) will be scaled by its own standard deviation in PSI. This is not necessarily a problem, but an error occurs when the authors go to generate the simulated data used in this paper.
To generate simulated data involves generating a series of shocks and feeding them through the model. The authors draw shocks from a var/cov matrix where the variances are equal to sigma^2s. Hopefully the problem here is obvious.
The authors draw a series of shocks, z(t), where each shock has a standard deviation equal to it’s corresponding sigma. The shock is then again scaled by the sigmas in PSI before affecting model variables.
This means that the shocks used in the simulated data are much smaller than they should be. It also helps explain why the estimates they find for the sigmas are effectively the “true” sigmas squared (see figure 7 in their paper).
A quick sanity check for this point is to take the same calibration of parameters/shocks and generate data using their codes and the Smets-Wouters codes for DYNARE-Matlab. The volatility of variables should be the same.
Instead, what you’ll find is that the volatility of variables in the simulated data from their code is dramatically lower than what you find from DYNARE. The attached image is simulated output growth using identical calibrations.
This error is likely to make much of the subsequent analysis incorrect, since forecasts about the future states of the world will depend on beliefs about the possible shocks that may occur.
Also, in the model solution (modelsol.R) the authors parameterize the fixed cost share and the Taylor rule inflation feedback parameter to the same thing. This is obviously a typo as cfc should be parameter 26 in the vector. I have no idea how this impacts their results.
As usual, the DYNARE codes for this thread are available at https://github.com/braultjosh/SmetsWouters. The codes for the McDonald-Shalizi paper are available at https://github.com/dajmcdon/dsges (Thanks to @dajmcdon for sharing these).
多くの線形合理的期待DSGEモデルは標準的な形式で書かれ、クリス・シムズのGensysルーチン*3を用いて解かれる。標準的な形式は T0*y(t) = T1*y(t-1) + PSI*z(t) + PI*eta(t) で与えられる。ここでyはモデル変数、zは外生変数、etaは期待の誤差を表す。
T0、T1、PSI、PI はモデルの式を定義する係数行列に過ぎない。モデルを記述する際、著者たちは構造ショックの標準偏差(「シグマ」)をPSIのパラメータとして取り込んだ。





@cmatthes_econ @marcodelnegro @paulgp @andypreston_UK @wjgatt @BachmannRudi @JavierGC14 @OtiliaBoldea @t_holden @yfatihkarahan @PfeiferEcon @Benchimolium



*3:cf. Solving the Model · DSGE.jl


10月の対応に関するBOE当局者の講演をもう一丁。以下は、イングランド銀行の金融安定戦略・リスク担当エグゼクティブディレクター、サラ・ブリーデン(Sarah Breeden)の表題の講演の冒頭(原題は「Risks from leverage: how did a small corner of the pensions industry threaten financial stability?」、H/T Mostly Economics関連日本語記事)。

On the afternoon of 28 September, I found myself in a rather unusual position: having to explain to journalists why a part of the pensions industry, unheard of to most of their readers, had posed such a large threat to financial stability that it warranted intervention in the gilt market from the Bank of England.
Financial markets globally had been volatile for months. But in the days leading up to that fateful Wednesday and following the announcement of the Government’s growth plan on 23 September, long-dated gilt yields in particular had moved with extraordinary and unprecedented scale and speed.
Now volatility itself does not warrant Bank of England intervention. Indeed, it’s essential that market prices are allowed to adjust to changes in their fundamental determinants efficiently and without distortion.
However, some liability-driven investment (LDI) funds were creating an amplification mechanism in the long-end of the gilt market through which price falls had the potential to trigger forced selling and thereby become self-reinforcing. Such a self-reinforcing price spiral would have resulted in even more severely disrupted gilt market functioning. And that would in turn have led to an excessive and sudden tightening of financing conditions for households and businesses.
In response to this threat, the Bank of England intervened on financial stability grounds. But what led to that intervention?
The root cause is simple – and indeed is one we have seen in other contexts too – poorly managed leverage.
So today I’ll set out how leverage outside the banking sector can create risks to financial stability, starting with that small corner of the pensions market. And then I’ll set out what needs to be done – by participants, by their regulators and by financial stability authorities – if we are to ensure those risks to financial stability are reduced.


キューバ危機になぞらえたであろう表題(原題は「Thirteen days in October: how central bank balance sheets can support monetary and financial stability」)の講演をイングランド銀行の市場担当エグゼクティブディレクター、アンドリュー・ハウザー(Andrew Hauser)が行っている(H/T Mostly Economics関連日本語記事)。以下はその冒頭。

What a difference a month makes!
My original plan for this speech, back in early September, had been to talk through the Bank of England’s plans for accelerating its unwind of Quantitative Easing (QE) by selling government bonds.
That story can still be told – because QE sales began, successfully, on 1 November.
But the tale also has a surprise new chapter – a programme of temporary and targeted asset purchases that ran for 13 days between 28 September and 14 October, aimed at heading off a clear and present threat to financial stability.
Switching so rapidly from planned sales, to purchases, and back to sales again might appear to some to imply a confusing or contradictory policy stance. But I want to show today how, through a combination of operational choices – clear communications, robust tool design, and following through on pre-commitments – it is possible to use the central bank balance sheet to support both monetary and financial stability, in ways that reinforce and complement, rather than undermine, either goal.
In my remaining remarks I will first describe the events that triggered our extraordinary intervention, and the ways in which we designed that intervention to maintain clear separation from the monetary stance – drawing on national and international thinking that has been underway since the 2020 ‘dash for cash’.
I will then explain why we have returned to asset sales in support of monetary stability, and how those operations in turn have been designed to minimise the risks of triggering renewed dysfunction.
Finally, I will conclude by identifying some possible lessons and next steps.


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Modeling Machine Learning」で、著者はAndrew Caplin(NYU)、Daniel J. Martin(ノースウエスタン大)、Philip Marx(ルイジアナ州立大)。

What do machines learn, and why? To answer these questions we import models of human cognition into machine learning. We propose two ways of modeling machine learners based on this join: feasibility-based and cost-based machine learning. We evaluate and estimate our models using a deep learning convolutional neural network that predicts pneumonia from chest X-rays. We find these predictions are consistent with our model of cost-based machine learning, and we recover the algorithm's implied costs of learning.
機械学習は何をどのような理由で学習するのだろうか? この問題に答えるために我々は、人間の認知モデルを機械学習に導入した。この結合に基づき我々は、機械学習をモデル化する2つの方法を提示する。実現可能性ベースの機械学習と費用ベースの機械学習である。我々は、胸部X線画像から肺炎を予測する深層学習畳み込みニューラルネットワークを用いて我々のモデルを評価し推計した。その予測は我々の費用ベースの機械学習と整合的であり、アルゴリズムに内包された学習費用を我々は抽出した。


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Ex-Ante Moral Hazard Effects of COVID-19 Vaccines」で、著者はVirat Agrawal(南カリフォルニア大)、Neeraj Sood(同)、Christopher M. Whaley(ランド研究所)。

A long-standing economic question is how protection against harm from insurance or other harm reducing interventions leads to potentially offsetting behavior changes (ex-ante moral hazard). Immunization is a type of insurance, as individuals incur an upfront cost when they get vaccinated, but it protects individuals if they are exposed to a vaccine preventable disease. In this study, we empirically evaluate the ex-ante moral hazard effects of COVID-19 vaccines. First, exploiting the discontinuity in vaccination rates at age 65 due to early eligibility of older population, we compared vaccination rates and risk mitigation behavior between those just above and just below 65 years of age. We find no evidence of decrease in risk mitigating behavior among the 65 years old and older population. Second, leveraging state-level variation in the timing of when people in different age groups became eligible for vaccination, we estimate that COVID-19 vaccination has no effect on risk mitigating behaviors in adult population. Our findings imply minimal moral hazard effects of COVID-19 vaccines in the short-term.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「A Theory of Fiscal Responsibility and Irresponsibility」で、著者はMarina Halac(イェール大)、Pierre Yared(コロンビア大)。

We propose a political economy mechanism that explains the presence of fiscal regimes punctuated by crisis periods. Our model focuses on the interaction between successive deficit-biased governments subject to i.i.d. fiscal shocks. We show that the economy transitions between a fiscally responsible regime and a fiscally irresponsible regime, with transitions occurring during crises when fiscal needs are large. Under fiscal responsibility, governments limit their spending to avoid transitioning to fiscal irresponsibility. Under fiscal irresponsibility, governments spend excessively and precipitate crises that lead to the reinstatement of fiscal responsibility. Regime transitions can only occur if governments' deficit bias is large enough.

ソーシャルメディアでの言辞はヘイト事件を扇動し得るか? トランプの「中国ウイルス」ツイートからの実証結果

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Can Social Media Rhetoric Incite Hate Incidents? Evidence from Trump's "Chinese Virus" Tweets」で、著者はAndy Cao、Jason M. Lindo、Jiee Zhong(いずれもテキサスA&M大)。

We investigate whether Donald Trump's "Chinese Virus" tweets contributed to the rise of anti-Asian incidents. We find that the number of incidents spiked following Trump’s initial “Chinese Virus” tweets and the subsequent dramatic rise in internet search activity for the phrase. Difference-in-differences and event-study analyses leveraging spatial variation indicate that this spike in anti-Asian incidents was significantly more pronounced in counties that supported Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election relative to those that supported Hillary Clinton. We estimate that anti-Asian incidents spiked by 4000 percent in Trump-supporting counties, over and above the spike observed in Clinton-supporting counties.