
というECB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Explaining deviations from Okun’s law」で、著者はClaudia Foroni(ECB)、Francesco Furlanetto(ノルウェー銀行)。

Despite its stability over time, as for any statistical relationship, Okun’s law is subject to deviations that can be large at times. In this paper, we provide a mapping between residuals in Okun’s regressions and structural shocks identified with a SVAR model by inspecting how unemployment responds to the state of the economy. We show that deviations from Okun’s law are a natural and expected outcome once one takes a multi-shock perspective, as long as shocks to automation, labour supply and structural factors in the labour market are taken into account. Our simple recipe for policy makers is that, if a positive deviation from Okun’s law arises, it is likely to be generated by either positive labour supply or automation shocks or by negative structural factors shocks.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Blending Theory and Data: A Space Odyssey*1」で、著者はDave Donaldson(MIT)。

This article describes methods used in the field of spatial economics that combine insights from economic theory and evidence from data in order to answer counter- factual questions. I outline a general framework that emphasizes three elements: a specific question to be answered, a set of empirical relationships that can be identified from exogeneity assumptions, and a theoretical model that is used to extrapolate from such empirical relationships to the answer that is required. I then illustrate the application of these elements via a series of twelve examples drawn from the fields of international, regional, and urban economics. These applications are chosen to illustrate the various techniques that researchers use to minimize the theoretical assumptions that are needed to traverse the distance between identified empirical patterns and the questions that need to be answered.



というNBER論文をアラン・ブラインダーらが上げているungated(ECB)版)。原題は「Central Bank Communication with the General Public: Promise or False Hope?」で、著者はAlan S. Blinder(プリンストン大)、Michael Ehrmann(ECB)、Jakob de Haan(フローニンゲン大)、David-Jan Jansen(オランダ中銀)。

Central banks are increasingly reaching out to the general public to motivate and explain their monetary policy actions. One major aim of this outreach is to guide inflation expectations; another is to ensure accountability and create trust. This article surveys a rapidly-growing literature on central bank communication with the public. We first discuss why and how such communication is more challenging than communicating with expert audiences. Then we survey the empirical evidence on the extent to which this new outreach does in fact affect inflation expectations and trust. On balance, we see some promise in the potential to inform the public better, but many challenges along the way.


というNBER論文をKumar=Coibion=Gorodnichenkoが上げているungated版)。原題は「The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Firm Decisions」で、著者はSaten Kumar(オークランド工科大)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)。

Using a new survey of firms in New Zealand, we document how exogenous variation in the macroeconomic uncertainty perceived by firms affects their economic decisions. We use randomized information treatments that provide different types of information about the first and/or second moments of future economic growth to generate exogenous changes in the perceived macroeconomic uncertainty of some firms. The effects on their decisions relative to their initial plans as well as relative to an untreated control group are measured in a follow-up survey six months later. We find that as firms become more uncertain, they reduce their prices, employment, and investment, their sales decline, and they become less likely to invest in new technologies or open new facilities. These ex-post effects of uncertainty are similar to how firms say they would respond to higher uncertainty when asked hypothetical questions.


ブルームバーグ報じているが、表題のNBER論文をニコラス・ブルームらが上げている。原題は「How Hybrid Working From Home Works Out」で、著者はNicholas Bloom(スタンフォード大)、Ruobing Han(同)、James Liang(トリップドットコム)。

Hybrid working from home (WFH), whereby employees work a mix of days at home and at work each week, has become dominant for graduate employees in the US. This paper evaluates a randomized control trial on 1612 engineers, marketing and finance employees of a large technology firm that allowed odd birthday employees to WFH on Wednesday and Friday and kept even birthday employees full time in the office. There are four key results. First, WFH reduced attrition rates by 35% and improved self-reported work satisfaction scores, highlighting how employees place a considerable value on this amenity. Second, WFH reduced hours worked on home days but increased it on other work days and the weekend, highlighting how home-working alters the structure of the working week. Third, WFH employees increased individual messaging and group video call communication, even when in the office, reflecting the impact of remote work on working patterns. Finally, while there was no significant impact of WFH on performance ratings or promotions, lines of code written increased by 8%, and employees' self-assessed productivity was up 1.8%, suggesting a small positive impact. Given these benefits for retention, job satisfaction, and productivity, after the experiment ended the firm extended hybrid WFH to the entire company.


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「What Motivates Leaders to Invest in Nation-Building?」で、著者はPaola Giuliano(UCLA)、Bryony Reich(ノースウエスタン大)、Alessandro Riboni(エコール・ポリテクニーク)。

Why do some leaders invest in significant nation-building policies and others do not? Why does nation-building occur at certain junctures in time and not others? In our research, we investigate what motivates leaders to nation build. We argue that threats to their regime motivate rulers to invest in significant nation-building and that the type of threats that provoke nation-building have largely materialized since the 19th century.
なぜ大規模な国造り政策*1に投資する指導者もいれば、しない指導者もいるのか? なぜ国造りはある時機に発生し、他の時機には発生しないのか? 我々の研究では、指導者の国造りを動機付けるものを調べた。体制への脅威が統治者を大規模な国造りへの投資に駆り立て、そうした国造りを喚起するような脅威は19世紀以降に概ね実体化してきた、と我々は論じる。


Our work contributes to the literature on nation building. While previous studies have investigated to what extent specific nation-building policies are successful at homogenizing the population, our work focus on motives of leaders to nation build. Both papers establish theoretically and confirm empirically that threats to a regime motivate nation building.
In the early 1990s, many predicted the decline of nationalism (e.g., Hobsbawm, 1990). Since then, however, nationalism has been on the rise. Our work provides a possible explanation for this increase: the rise of autocracies worldwide and the intensification of interstate tensions are two factors that might contribute to this revival. The heyday of nationalism may be yet to come.
1990年代初めには、国家主義の凋落を予測する声が多かった(例えばHobsbawm, 1990*3)。しかしその後、国家主義は台頭している。我々の研究は、この増勢への説明候補を提供する。即ち、世界的な専制政治の台頭と国家間の緊張の激化が、国家主義の復活に寄与している二つの要因である。国家主義の全盛期はこれからかもしれない。


*2:著者の一部がアレシナと共同で書いたこちらで紹介した論文(ungated版掲載版(Alesina, A., Reich, B. and Riboni, A. (2020)))やAlesina, A., Giuliano, P. and Reich, B. (2021)ungated版)が論文では参考文献に挙げられている。前者では戦争技術の発達によって国民を徴兵する大規模な軍隊が必要になったことが、後者では民主主義の脅威が19世紀以降に為政者を国造りに駆り立てた、と論じている。




というNBER論文をロバート・ゴードンらが上げている。原題は「A New Interpretation of Productivity Growth Dynamics in the Pre-Pandemic and Pandemic Era U.S. Economy, 1950-2022」で、著者はRobert J. Gordon(ノースウエスタン大)、Hassan Sayed(プリンストン大)。

The dismal decade of 2010-19 recorded the slowest productivity growth of any decade in U.S. history, only 1.1 percent per year in the business sector. Yet the pandemic appears to have created a resurgence in productivity growth with a 4.1 percent rate achieved in the four quarters of 2020. This paper provides a unified framework that explains productivity growth in both the pre-pandemic and pandemic-era U.S. economy. The key insight is that in their panicked reaction to the collapse of output in the 2008-09 recession, business firms overreacted with “excess layoffs,” adjusting hours to the output decline with a far higher elasticity than normal. Our regression analysis, which allows post-recession rehiring that gradually unwinds the excess layoffs, explains why productivity growth was countercyclical in 2009 and why it was so slow in 2010-16 as rehiring boosted hours growth. Post-sample simulations explain why productivity growth was so high in 2020 and why it fell to only 0.6 percent in the five quarters of 2021-22. The paper includes implications for the future long-term evolution of productivity growth in the business sector and total economy. A new data file on quarterly productivity levels and changes for 17 industries provides new perspectives for 2006-22 and particularly for the nine pandemic quarters of 2020-22. Positive pandemic-era productivity growth can be entirely explained by a surge in the performance of work-from-home service industries, while goods industries soared and then slumped, while contact services recorded strongly negative productivity growth throughout 2020-22.
