
というNBER論文(原題は「Infrastructure and Urban Form」)をエドワード・グレイザー(Edward L. Glaeser)が昨年末に上げている。以下はその要旨。

Cities are shaped by transportation infrastructure. Older cities were anchored by waterways. Nineteenth century cities followed the path of streetcars and subways. The 20th century city rebuilt itself around the car. The close connection between transportation and urban form is natural, since cities are defined by their density. Physical proximity and transportation investments serve the common cause of reducing the transportation costs for goods, people and ideas. The close connection between transportation and urban form suggests the need for spatial equilibrium models that embed a full set of equilibrium effects into any evaluation of transportation spending. Their connection implies that restrictions on land use will change, and often reduce, the value of investing in transportation infrastructure. Future transportation innovations, including autonomous vehicles and telecommuting, are likely to also change urban form, although cities often take decades to adapt to new forms of mobility.

点目標、許容範囲、もしくは目標範囲? インフレ目標の種類とインフレ予想の固定化

というECB論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Point targets, tolerance bands, or target ranges? Inflation target types and the anchoring of inflation expectations」で、著者はMichael Ehrmann。

Inflation targeting is implemented in different ways – most often by adopting point targets, by having tolerance bands around a point target, or by specifying target ranges. Using data for 20 economies, this paper tests whether the various target types affect the anchoring of inflation expectations at shorter horizons differently. It tests two contradictory hypotheses, namely that targets with intervals lead to (i) less anchoring, e.g. because they provide more flexibility to the central bank, or (ii) better anchoring, because they are missed less often, leading to an enhanced credibility. The evidence refutes the first hypothesis, and generally finds that target ranges or (in some cases) tolerance bands outperform the other types. However, the effects partially depend on the economic context and no target type consistently outperforms all others. This suggests that there are some benefits to adopting intervals, but the central bank can anchor inflation expectations also by other means.


というIMF論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Predicting Fiscal Crises: A Machine Learning Approach」で、著者はKlaus-Peter Hellwig。

In this paper I assess the ability of econometric and machine learning techniques to predict fiscal crises out of sample. I show that the econometric approaches used in many policy applications cannot outperform a simple heuristic rule of thumb. Machine learning techniques (elastic net, random forest, gradient boosted trees) deliver significant improvements in accuracy. Performance of machine learning techniques improves further, particularly for developing countries, when I expand the set of potential predictors and make use of algorithmic selection techniques instead of relying on a small set of variables deemed important by the literature. There is considerable agreement across learning algorithms in the set of selected predictors: Results confirm the importance of external sector stock and flow variables found in the literature but also point to demographics and the quality of governance as important predictors of fiscal crises. Fiscal variables appear to have less predictive value, and public debt matters only to the extent that it is owed to external creditors.


  1. 信用イベント:官民の債権者に対するソブリン債債務不履行はすべてカウント。債務再編も同様。ただし、小さな技術的なデフォルトを除くためと、恒久的な危機が一連の新規事象に分類されるのを防ぐため、債務不履行額の規模と累計額に最小値を設けた。
  2. 極めて大規模な資金調達:この基準では、財政再建を目的とした、出資割当額の100%を超えるIMFの財政支援はすべて危機に分類される。EUの財政支援も同様。
  3. 暗黙的な国内の公的債務のデフォルト:以下の2種類のイベント。
    1. 高インフレ:閾値は、金融による財政赤字ファイナンスの程度に差があることを反映するため、所得グループに応じて変更
    2. 国内の累積延滞額:未払金を代理変数とした
  4. 市場からの信頼の喪失:数量と価格の両面を織り込むために、以下の2つの基準を設けた。
    1. 市場へのアクセスの喪失:債券発行が停止に追い込まれた
    2. ソブリンイールドの高騰


アセモグルの共著NBER論文をもう一丁。以下は昨年末に上げられたDaron Acemoglu(MIT)、David Autor(同)、Jonathon Hazell(プリンストン大)、Pascual Restrepo(ボストン大)による表題の論文ungated版、原題は「AI and Jobs: Evidence from Online Vacancies」)の要旨。

We study the impact of AI on labor markets, using establishment level data on vacancies with detailed occupational information comprising the near-universe of online vacancies in the US from 2010 onwards. We classify establishments as “AI exposed” when their workers engage in tasks that are compatible with current AI capabilities. We document rapid growth in AI related vacancies over 2010-2018 that is not limited to the Professional and Business Services and Information Technology sectors and is significantly greater in AI-exposed establishments. AI-exposed establishments are differentially eliminating vacancy postings that list a range of previously-posted skills while simultaneously posting skill requirements that were not previously listed. Establishment-level estimates suggest that AI-exposed establishments are reducing hiring in non-AI positions even as they expand AI hiring. However, we find no discernible impact of AI exposure on employment or wages at the occupation or industry level, implying that AI is currently substituting for humans in a subset of tasks but it is not yet having detectable aggregate labor market consequences.


というNBER論文(原題は「Culture, Institutions and Social Equilibria: A Framework」)をアセモグル=ロビンソンが上げているungated版)。以下はその要旨。

This paper proposes a new framework for studying the interplay between culture and institutions. We follow the recent sociology literature and interpret culture as a “repertoire", which allows rich cultural responses to changes in the environment and shifts in political power. Specifically, we start with a culture set, which consists of attributes and the feasible connections between them. Combinations of attributes produce cultural configurations, which provide meaning, interpretation and justification for individual and group actions. Cultural figurations also legitimize and support different institutional arrangements. Culture matters as it shapes the set of feasible cultural figurations and via this channel institutions. Yet, changes in politics and institutions can cause a rewiring of existing attributes, generating very different cultural configurations. Cultural persistence may result from the dynamics of political and economic factors - rather than being a consequence of an unchanging culture. We distinguish cultures by how fluid they are - whereby more fluid cultures allow a richer set of cultural configurations. Fluidity in turn depends on how specific (vs. abstract) and entangled (vs. free-standing) attributes in a culture set are. We illustrate these ideas using examples from African, England, China, the Islamic world, the Indian caste system and the Crow. In all cases, our interpretation highlights that culture becomes more of a constraint when it is less fluid (more hardwired), for example because its attributes are more specific or entangled. We also emphasize that less fluid cultures are not necessarily "bad cultures", and may create a range of benefits, though they may reduce the responsiveness of culture to changing circumstances. In many instances, including in the African, Chinese and English cases, we show that there is a lot of fluidity and very different, almost diametrically-opposed, cultural configurations are feasible, often compete with each other for acceptance and can gain the upper hand depending on political factors.


というNBER論文をCoibionとGorodnichenkoのコンビらが上げているungated版)。原題は「The Inflation Expectations of U.S. Firms: Evidence from a new survey」で、著者はBernardo Candia(UCバークレー)、Olivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー*1

Introducing a new survey of U.S. firms’ inflation expectations, we document key stylized facts involving what U.S. firms know and expect about inflation and monetary policy. The resulting time series of firms’ inflation expectations displays unique dynamics, distinct from those of households and professional forecasters. By any typical definition of “anchored” expectations, the inflation expectations of U.S. managers appear far from anchored, much like those of households. And like households, U.S. managers are largely uninformed about recent aggregate inflation dynamics or monetary policy. These results complement existing evidence on firms’ inflation expectations from other countries and confirm that inattention to inflation and monetary policy is pervasive among U.S. firms as well.



というProject Syndicate論説をスティーブン・ローチ(Stephen S. Roach)が書いている(原題は「The Ghost of Arthur Burns」、H/T Mostly Economics)。全体の内容についてはThe Financial Pointerさんが上手に要約されているが、景気循環の大家であったバーンズが、その研究者としての成功体験をインフレに応用して陥穽に嵌っていく様子が描かれている。

...Burns, who ruled the Fed with an iron fist, lacked an analytical framework to assess the interplay between the real economy and inflation, and how that relationship was connected to monetary policy. As a data junkie, he was prone to segment the problems he faced as a policymaker, especially the emergence of what would soon become the Great Inflation. Like business cycles, he believed price trends were heavily influenced by idiosyncratic, or exogenous, factors – “noise” that had nothing to do with monetary policy.


  • 第四次中東戦争原油価格が4倍に高騰したことを受けて、CPIの11%を占める原油関連製品(家庭暖房用灯油や電気)を除外
  • 1972年のペルー産のアンチョビが壊滅状態になったエルニーニョ現象などの異常気象により肥料や家畜用食糧の価格が上昇し、その結果、牛肉や鶏肉や豚肉が高騰したことを受けて、CPIの25%を占める食糧を除外

We didn’t know it at the time, but we had just created the first version of what is now fondly known as the core inflation rate – that purified portion of the CPI that purportedly is free of the volatile “special factors” of food and energy, where gyrations were traceable to distant wars and weather. Burns was pleased. Monetary policy needed to focus on more stable underlying inflation trends, he argued, and we had provided him with the perfect tool to sharpen his focus.
It was a fair point – to a point; unfortunately, Burns didn’t stop there.


Only at that point, in 1975, did Burns concede – far too late – that the United States had an inflation problem. The painful lesson: ignore so-called transitory factors at great peril.
Fast-forward to today. Evoking an eerie sense of déjà vu, the Fed is insisting that recent increases in the prices of food, construction materials, used cars, personal health products, gasoline, car rentals, and appliances reflect transitory factors that will quickly fade with post-pandemic normalization. Scattered labor shortages and surging home prices are supposedly also transitory. Sound familiar?


While there are always good reasons to worry about productivity, wages appear to be largely in check; unionized labor, which, in the 1970s had sparked a vicious wage-price spiral through cost-of-living indexation, has been neutralized by global competition. But that doesn’t rule out a very different form of global cost-push inflation – namely, the confluence of supply-chain congestion (think semiconductors) and protectionist clamoring to reshore production.
