

2. You have for years been alarmed about secular stagnation and with former Council of Economic Adviser chairman Jason Furman have advocated a new expansionary approach to fiscal policy. Isn’t your worry about economic overheating inconsistent with this? Isn’t it obvious that, as in the Great Recession, the risks of doing too little are greater than the risks of doing too much?
I remain concerned, as a medium-term worry, with secular stagnation, believe that fiscal policy will need to be much more active in the years ahead, and certainly share the administration’s view that policy should err very much on the side of expansion at a moment like this. But these kinds of qualitative considerations do not provide a basis for judging whether $900 billion in short-term stimulus should be followed immediately by a $1 trillion, $1.9 trillion or $5 trillion measure, prior to an ultimate multitrillion-dollar public investment measure.
The issue policymakers have to wrestle with is quantitative. In my piece, I suggested that a 13 percent of GDP total stimulus (adding the $900 billion and the $1.9 trillion) was very large, especially in an economy with extraordinarily loose financial conditions, reasonably rapid growth forecasts, still unmet public spending needs and a very big overhang of private saving. Budget deficits in 2021 on the proposed plans will quickly be approaching the record World War II levels as a share of the economy.
As the debate over stimulus plays out, it will be important to consider analyses of the proposed level of stimulus that can be delivered without setting off inflationary pressures over the next few years — especially if major new building-back-better investments are contemplated. I agree wholeheartedly with CEA member Jared Bernstein that balancing risks associated with insufficient and excessive stimulus is essential, and that it is right, given the lessons learned from the political choices made in 2008, to err this time on the side of doing too much. But 13 percent of GDP with public investment to follow needs to be justified with more than qualitative argument. Given that for example the International Monetary Fund forecasts 5.1 percent GDP growth for the United States in 2021 the proposed fiscal program seems extremely generous, but perhaps it can be justified in the debates that are ahead.

貴兄はここ何年か長期停滞について心配しており、大統領経済諮問委員会の元委員長であるジェイソン・ファーマンと一緒に財政政策の新たな拡張的アプローチを唱えた。経済過熱に対する貴兄の懸念はそれと矛盾するのではないか? 大不況時のように、やり過ぎるリスクよりもやらな過ぎるリスクの方が大きいのは明らかではないか?




3. Why so much concern about inflation? It’s below target and has not been a problem for more than a generation. In the new economy, the Phillips curve — the relationship between inflation and unemployment — is very flat, and so increased demand leads to little if any inflation. Moreover, if inflation happens, the Fed can certainly control it by raising interest rates.

Perhaps, and this is why I was careful to speak of inflation risks rather than to confidently predict that inflation will happen. Yes, inflation has not been a major problem for a long time. I am 66 years old and was just starting my career the last time inflation was our principle economic problem. And certainly, there have been bogus warnings about inflation in the interim — most famously, the ones I and others dismissed at the time from conservative economists in the aftermath of the 2008 crash.
But ruling out risk scenarios because they have not been seen for a long time can be dangerous. Economists believed for a long time that the liquidity trap with zero interest rates was a historical curiosity. Yet it has defined the industrialized world for more than a decade.
We have no experience with fiscal stimulus like that under consideration and the impact on inflation expectations. The acceleration of inflation during the Vietnam War that was a precursor to the stagflation of the 1970s involved excessive fiscal stimulus of perhaps 1 percent of GDP annually. While they are still at nonthreatening levels, it is noteworthy that market inflation expectation measures have increased by more in the last 90 days than during any comparable period in this century, except for moments when inflation expectations were in the basement, as in 2008 or the early days of this pandemic.
Can and will the Fed control the situation effectively if inflation starts to rise? History is not encouraging. Every past significant inflation acceleration has been quickly followed by recession. Tamping down inflation will require allowing unemployment to rise, and engineering a soft landing is difficult: Unemployment has never risen by half a percentage point without then rising by almost two points, or more. Perhaps policymakers are better equipped to avert a downturn today than they have been in the past, but this kind of reassurance was confidently provided before the 2008 crash. The flatness of the Phillips curve is a double-edged sword: It implies that if inflation does arise, policymakers will have to accept substantial increases in unemployment before it starts to fall. And given the Fed’s guidance about keeping rates low, the economy’s high degree of leverage, and pressures on the dollar, I worry that containing an inflationary outbreak without triggering a recession may be even more difficult now than in the past.

なぜインフレをそこまで懸念するのか? インフレは目標以下であるし、30年以上問題になったことはなかった。ニューエコノミーでは、フィリップス曲線――インフレと失業の関係――は非常に平坦なので、需要の増大がインフレをもたらすとしてもごく僅かだろう。また、仮にインフレになったとしても、FRB金利を引き上げてコントロールできる。

インフレが上昇し始めた時、FRBは状況を効果的にコントロールする意思と能力を持っているだろうか? 歴史を振り返ると楽観的にはなれない。過去の主要なインフレ加速はすべて景気後退がすぐ後に続いた。インフレを鎮静化するには失業率の上昇を許容せねばならず、軟着陸に持っていくのは難しい。失業率が0.5%ポイント上昇した後、2%ポイント近くないしそれ以上上昇しなかったことはなかった。おそらく今日の政策担当者は過去におけるよりも景気後退を防ぐ術を持ち合わせているだろうが、その種の安心感は2008年の危機の前にも自信を持って提供されていた。フィリップス曲線の平坦さは諸刃の剣である*1。インフレが上昇したならば、その低下の前に政策担当者は失業率の大幅な上昇を受容しなければならないであろう。そして、金利を低く止めおくというFRBの指針、経済の高水準のレバレッジ、ドルへの圧力に照らすと、景気後退を引き起こすことなしにインフレ上昇の勃発を封じ込めることは過去よりも今の方が一層難しいのではないか、と私は懸念している。




Some commentators have defended the usage of whataboutism and tu quoque in certain contexts. Whataboutism can provide necessary context into whether or not a particular line of critique is relevant or fair. In international relations, behavior that may be imperfect by international standards may be quite good for a given geopolitical neighborhood, and deserves to be recognized as such.[17]
Christian Christensen, Professor of Journalism in Stockholm, argues that the accusation of whataboutism is itself a form of the tu quoque fallacy, as it dismisses criticisms of one's own behavior to focus instead on the actions of another, thus creating a double standard. Those who use whataboutism are not necessarily engaging in an empty or cynical deflection of responsibility: whataboutism can be a useful tool to expose contradictions, double standards, and hypocrisy.[135][136]
Others have criticized the usage of accusations of whataboutism by American news outlets, arguing that accusations of whataboutism have been used to simply deflect criticisms of human rights abuses perpetrated by the United States or its allies.[137] They argue that the usage of the term almost exclusively by American outlets is a double standard,[138] and that moral accusations made by powerful countries are merely a pretext to punish their geopolitical rivals in the face of their own wrongdoing.[139]
The scholars Kristen Ghodsee and Scott Sehon posit that mentioning the possible existence of victims of capitalism in popular discourse is often dismissed as "whataboutism", which they describe as "a term implying that only atrocities perpetrated by communists merit attention." They also argue that such accusations of "whataboutism" are invalid as the same arguments used against communism can also be used against capitalism.[140]
ストックホルム大のジャーナリズム学の教授であるクリスチャン・クリステンセンは、 whataboutismという非難そのものが「お前だって論法」の誤謬の一形態だと論じる。というのは、それは他者の行動に焦点を当てるために自身の行動への批判を退けて、二重基準を作り出してしまうからである。Whataboutismを用いる人は必ずしも空虚ないし冷笑的な責任逃れをしているわけではない。Whataboutismは矛盾や二重基準や偽善を明らかにする有用なツールとなり得る*2*3


Why is “whataboutism” frown upon and how else should one argue if not by analogy and comparing?
A lot of political arguments are about one side saying something is bad, and the other side saying “but you’re doing the same thing”. And then the argument against that whole debate is “stop with the whataboutism”. To me, a large part of discussing and understanding is to find metaphors and analogies. A “if what you do is right then what I do can’t be wrong because it’s the same thing” is a valid argument to me, yet it is “whataboutism”.
Are there any philosophers who discuss right and wrong, where the reasoning is completely disconnected from the outer world?
「whataboutism」はなぜ顰蹙を買うのでしょうか? 比喩や比較を使わなければどのように議論すれば良いというのでしょうか?


Using metaphor and analogy is not the problem for whataboutism or tu quoque fallacies in general.
Using comparison is fine, but it becomes fallacious when it's used as a red herring tactic to deflect criticism. The existence of wrong-doing elsewhere does not justify specific cases of similar wrong-doing.

*1:原注:Lucas, Edward (29 October 2007). "In Russia's shadow – The Kremlin's useful idiots". Retrieved 22 July 2017. "It is not a bad tactic. Every criticism needs to be put in a historical and geographical context. A country that has solved most of its horrible problems deserves praise, not to be lambasted for those that remain. Similarly, behaviour that may be imperfect by international standards can be quite good for a particular neighbourhood."

*2:原注:Christensen, Christian (26 January 2015). "We need 'whataboutism' now more than ever". Al-Jazeera English. Retrieved 16 August 2018.

*3:原注:Yagoda, Ben (19 July 2018). "One Cheer for Whataboutism". The New York Times. Retrieved 17 August 2018. Tu quoque is a subset of the so-called ad hominem argument: a strike against the character, not the position, of one’s opponent. Ad hominem gets a bad press, but it isn’t without merit, when used in good faith. It’s useful in an argument to show that the stance being taken against you is inconsistent or hypocritical. It doesn’t win the day, but it chips away at your opponent’s moral standing and raises doubt about the entirety of his or her position.

*4:原注:"Риторика холодной войны на фоне нарушения прав человека в США" [Cold War rhetoric against a backdrop of human rights violations in the USA]. 1News Azerbaijan (in Russian). 26 August 2014. Retrieved 16 August 2018.

*5:原注:Mark, Adomanis (6 March 2013). "Saudi Arabia, Russia, The Magnitsky Act, And 'Whataboutism'". Forbes. Archived from the original on 29 August 2014. Retrieved 16 August 2018.

*6:原注:"Риторика холодной войны на фоне нарушения прав человека в США" [Cold War rhetoric against a backdrop of human rights abuses in the USA]. 1 News Azerbaijan (in Russian). 26 August 2014. Retrieved 16 August 2018. «Права человека – это дубинка в руках сильных мира сего, которую они используют, когда кто-то вокруг проявляет непослушание», - убежден азербайджанский политический деятель Араз Ализаде, возглавляющий Социал-демократическую партию Азербайджана. (Translation: "'Human rights is a stick in the hands of the powers of the world, that they use to beat anyone who disobeys them' says Araz Alizade, leader of the Social-Democratic Party of Azerbaijan")

*7:原注:Ghodsee, Kristen R.; Sehon, Scott (22 March 2018). "Anti-anti-communism". Aeon. Retrieved 1 October 2018. ”But the problem for the anti-communists is that their general premise can be used as the basis for an equally good argument against capitalism, an argument that the so-called losers of economic transition in eastern Europe would be quick to affirm. The US, a country based on a free-market capitalist ideology, has done many horrible things: the enslavement of millions of Africans, the genocidal eradication of the Native Americans, the brutal military actions taken to support pro-Western dictatorships, just to name a few. The British Empire likewise had a great deal of blood on its hands: we might merely mention the internment camps during the second Boer War and the Bengal famine. This is not mere ‘whataboutism’, because the same intermediate premise necessary to make their anti-communist argument now works against capitalism: Historical point: the US and the UK were based on a capitalist ideology, and did many horrible things. General premise: if any country based on a particular ideology did many horrible things, then that ideology should be rejected. Political conclusion: capitalism should be rejected."



Frage: Herr Seibert, wie bewertet die Bundesregierung die Sperrung des Twitter-Kontos von Donald Trump?
Sollte es in Deutschland gesetzliche Regeln geben, die die Sperrung offizieller Accounts der Bundesregierung regulieren oder sogar verbieten?
StS Seibert: Ich will ganz grundsätzlich sagen, dass die Bundesregierung überzeugt ist, dass die Betreiber sozialer Netzwerke sehr hohe Verantwortung tragen. Sie tragen hohe Verantwortung dafür, dass die politische Kommunikation nicht durch Hass, Lüge oder Anstiftung zur Gewalt vergiftet wird. Es ist auch richtig, nicht tatenlos zuzusehen, wenn auf bestimmten Kanälen Inhalte gepostet werden, die in diese Kategorien fallen. Deswegen ist es richtig, wenn Anmerkungen gemacht werden und was man an Praktiken in den letzten Wochen und Monaten alles sozusagen noch sah.
Das Grundrecht auf Meinungsfreiheit ist ein Grundrecht von elementarer Bedeutung. In dieses Grundrecht kann eingegriffen werden, aber entlang der Gesetze und innerhalb des Rahmens, den der Gesetzgeber definiert, und nicht nach dem Beschluss der Unternehmensführung von Social-Media-Plattformen. Unter dem Aspekt sieht die Bundeskanzlerin es als problematisch an, dass jetzt die Konten des US-Präsidenten dauerhaft gesperrt wurden.
Frage: Folgt daraus eine politische Forderung, Herr Seibert?
StS Seibert: Das war zunächst einmal meine Einschätzung auf die Frage, die gestellt wurde.
Sie wissen, dass wir in Deutschland ein Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz haben, das seit 2017 gilt. Es hat sich grundsätzlich bewährt und wird aktuell fortentwickelt. Es ist ja eigentlich genau Ausdruck dieses Gedankens, den ich versucht habe, zu überbringen, dass es nämlich der Gesetzgeber ist, der den nachvollziehbaren Rahmen zu setzen hat, in dem sich die Kommunikation in sozialen Netzwerken zu bewegen hat.
Frage: Herr Seibert, Sie haben jetzt zwei sehr wichtige Dinge gesagt. Sie haben von einer hohen Verantwortung der Betreiber bei Hassrede gesprochen, wie Sie das nennen. Auf der anderen Seite haben Sie gesagt, dass es nur juristisch durchgesetzt werden kann. Ich sehe da einen großen Spalt. Wie kann man das abwägen? Wo ist die Grenze, wo der Betreiber selbst entscheiden soll, und wo ist die Grenze, wo nur noch ein Gericht entscheiden kann? Prinzipiell gilt ja, dass Meinungsfreiheit nur durch gerichtlichen Beschluss beschränkt werden kann.
StS Seibert: Das sind Abwägungen in einem Spannungsfeld, die ich hier ganz sicherlich nicht pauschal vornehmen kann.
Ich habe gesagt, dass die Komplettsperrung des Accounts eines gewählten Präsidenten aufgrund des Beschlusses von Unternehmensführungen problematisch ist. Ganz problematisch - und ganz grundsätzlich problematisch - ist natürlich, was es zum Teil an lügenhaften, an verfälschenden und gewaltfördernden Tweets und Posts insgesamt gibt. Deswegen ist man in dieser Abwägung ständig herausgefordert. Aber es ist richtig, dass der Staat - der Gesetzgeber - dazu einen Rahmen setzt.

Question: Mr. Seibert, what is the federal government's assessment of the blocking of Donald Trump's Twitter account? Should there be legal rules in Germany that regulate or even prohibit the blocking of official accounts of the Federal Government?
StS Seibert: I want to say in principle that the Federal Government is convinced that the operators of social networks bear a very high responsibility. They bear a high responsibility for ensuring that political communication is not poisoned by hatred, lies or incitement to violence. It is also right not to stand idly by when content that falls into these categories is posted on certain channels. That is why it is right to make comments and what practices have been seen in recent weeks and months, so to speak. The fundamental right to freedom of expression is a fundamental right of fundamental importance. This fundamental right can be enclawed, but along the laws and within the framework defined by the legislator, and not according to the decision of the corporate governance of social media platforms. From this point of view, the Chancellor sees it as problematic that the US President's accounts have now been permanently suspended.
Question: Does this lead to a political demand, Mr Seibert?
StS Seibert: That was my assessment of the question that was asked. You know that we have a network enforcement law in Germany that has been in force since 2017. It has proved its worth in principle and is currently being developed. It is, in fact, precisely an expression of this idea that I have tried to express, namely that it is the legislator who has to set the comprehensible framework within which communication on social networks has to move.
Question: Mr Seibert, you have now said two very important things. You spoke of a high responsibility on the part of the operators in hate speech, as you call it. On the other hand, you have said that it can only be enforced legally. I see a big gap. How can this be weighed up? Where is the border where the operator is to decide for himself, and where is the border, where only a court can decide? In principle, freedom of expression can only be restricted by a court order.
StS Seibert: These are trade-offs in a field of tension, which I certainly cannot make here. I have said that the complete suspension of an elected president's account is problematic because of the decision of corporate leaders. Of course, what is quite problematic - and fundamentally problematic - is what lies, falsifying and violence-promoting tweets and posts as a whole are. That is why we are constantly challenged in this balance. But it is true that the state - the legislator - should set a framework for this.


ザイベルトさん、ドナルド・トランプツイッターアカウントの停止について連邦政府はどのように評価していますか? ドイツにおいて連邦政府の公的なアカウントを停止することを規制ないし禁止する法的規則が存在すべきでしょうか?
ザイベルトさん、貴兄は今2つの非常に重要なことを言われました。あなたの言うところのヘイトスピーチに関する運用者の大きな責任について話されました。その一方で、それは法律によってのみ執行される、とおっしゃいました。そこには大きなギャップがあるように見えます。それらはどのように比較衡量されるのでしょうか? 運用者が自分で判断することの境界、および、法廷だけが判断できることの境界はどこにあるのでしょうか? 原則として、表現の自由は裁判所命令によってのみ制限され得ます。


生産性ネタをもう一丁。以下はDiego A. Comin(ダートマス大)、Javier Quintana Gonzalez(スペイン銀)、Tom G. Schmitz(ボッコーニ大)、Antonella Trigari(同)による表題のNBER論文(原題は「Measuring TFP: The Role of Profits, Adjustment Costs, and Capacity Utilization」、ungated版が掲載されている著者の一人のHP)の要旨。

Standard methods for estimating total factor productivity (TFP) growth assume that economic profits are zero and adjustment costs are negligible. Moreover, following the seminal contribution of Basu, Fernald and Kimball (2006), they use changes in hours per worker as a proxy for unobserved changes in capacity utilization. In this paper, we propose a new estimation method that accounts for non-zero profits, structurally estimates adjustment costs, and relies on a utilization proxy from firm surveys. We then compute industry-level and aggregate TFP growth rates for the United States and five European countries, for the period 1995-2016. In the United States, our results suggest that the recent slowdown of TFP growth was more gradual than previously thought. In Europe, we find that TFP was essentially flat during the Great Recession, while standard methods suggest a substantial decrease. These differences are driven by profits in the United States, and by profits and our new utilization proxy in Europe.


Positive profits create a wedge between output elasticities and factor shares. We use industry-level profit shares estimated by Gutierrez (2018) to compute this wedge, and find that in most countries and industries, the zero-profit assumption underestimates the output elasticity of labour and materials, and overestimates the output elasticity of capital. This is important, as capital tends to grow faster than other inputs in the long run, and is less volatile over the business cycle. Thus, the zero-profit assumption underestimates TFP growth in the long run, and overestimates its volatility and cyclicality.
The second new element in our paper regards adjustment costs. Adjustment costs for capital and employment are important in many business cycle models, and constitute the leading explanation for why firms change their level of capacity utilization over time. Furthermore, adjustment costs matter for TFP measurement, as they change the effective growth rate of capital or labour inputs in periods with large changes in investment or hiring (e.g., during the recovery from a deep recession, or in the early years of a new industry). Nevertheless, Solow and BFK assume that adjustment costs are either inexistent or negligible.


*2:cf. これ


という主旨の論文「A global decline in research productivity? Evidence from China and Germany」をタイラー・コーエンが紹介している。以下はリンク先でまとめられている論文のハイライト。

  • Replicates findings in Bloom et al. (2020) for China and Germany.
  • Provides evidence for a decline in research productivity in both countries.
  • Using firm-level R&D panel data for public and private firms spanning three decades.
  • Strong decline in R&D productivity in China due to end of catch-up growth.
  • Conclusion: ideas are not only getting harder to find in the U.S.


  • ブルームら(2020)の研究結果*1を中国とドイツで再現。
  • 両国での研究生産性の低下の実証結果を提示。
  • 官民の企業について30年に亘る企業レベルの研究開発パネルデータを使用。
  • キャッチアップ成長の終焉に伴う中国での研究開発生産性の大きな低下。
  • 結論:アイディアの発見が困難になっているのは米国だけではない。



*1:本ブログでは以前WP段階の内容をDietrich Vollrathを引く形で2017/1/28エントリで紹介したことがある。




というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「A Comparison of Monthly Global Indicators for Forecasting Growth」で、著者はChristiane Baumeister(ノートルダム大)、Pierre Guérin(IMF)。

This paper evaluates the predictive content of a set of alternative monthly indicators of global economic activity for nowcasting and forecasting quarterly world GDP using mixed-frequency models. We find that a recently proposed indicator that covers multiple dimensions of the global economy consistently produces substantial improvements in forecast accuracy, while other monthly measures have more mixed success. This global economic conditions indicator contains valuable information also for assessing the current and future state of the economy for a set of individual countries and groups of countries. We use this indicator to track the evolution of the nowcasts for the US, the OECD area, and the world economy during the coronavirus pandemic and quantify the main factors driving the nowcasts.

ここで推されている指標(論文の本文では「global economic conditions indicator」を略して「GECON」と呼んでいる)は、著者の一人(Baumeister)が別の共著論文(Review of Economics and Statistics掲載。4月のNBER版5月時点のWP)で提示したもので、以下の構成になっている。