
外見の経済的リターンについて研究しているハマーメッシュ*1が、「O Youth and Beauty: Children's Looks and Children's Cognitive Development」というNBER論文を上げている*2(本文も読める。著者はDaniel S. Hamermesh[バーナード大]、Rachel A. Gordon[イリノイ大]、Robert Crosnoe[テキサス大オースティン校])。以下はその要旨。

We use data from the 11 waves of the U.S. Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development 1991-2005, following children from ages 6 months through 15 years. Observers rated videos of them, obtaining measures of looks at each age. Given their family income, parents’ education, race/ethnicity and gender, being better-looking raised subsequent changes in measurements of objective learning outcomes. The gains imply a long-run impact on cognitive achievement of about 0.04 standard deviations per standard deviation of differences in looks. Similar estimates on changes in reading and arithmetic scores at ages 7, 11 and 16 in the U.K. National Child Development Survey 1958 cohort show larger effects. The extra gains persist when instrumenting children’s looks by their mother’s, and do not work through teachers’ differential treatment of better-looking children, any relation between looks and a child’s behavior, his/her victimization by bullies or self-confidence. Results from both data sets show that a substantial part of the economic returns to beauty result indirectly from its effects on educational attainment. A person whose looks are one standard deviation above average attains 0.4 years more schooling than an otherwise identical average-looking individual.

*1:cf. ここ、下記の本。

美貌格差: 生まれつき不平等の経済学

美貌格差: 生まれつき不平等の経済学


*3:cf. ここ日本語資料

*4:cf. National Child Development Study - Wikipedia日本語の紹介文献


というNBER論文をロゴフらが上げている。原題は「Redeemable Platform Currencies」で、著者はYang You(ハーバード大)、Kenneth S. Rogoff(同)。以下はその要旨。

Can massive online retailers such as Amazon and Alibaba issue digital tokens that potentially compete with bank debit accounts? We explore whether a large platform’s ability to guarantee value and liquidity by issuing prototype digital tokens for in-platform purchases constitutes a significant advantage that could potentially be leveraged into wider use. Our central finding is that unless introducing tradability creates a significant convenience yield, platforms can potentially earn higher revenues by making tokens non-tradable. The analysis suggests that if platforms have any comparative advantage in issuing tradable tokens, it comes from other factors.
アマゾンやアリババのような大手オンライン小売業者が、銀行の引き落とし口座と競合する可能性のあるデジタルトークンを発行できるだろうか? 我々は、プラットフォーム内の購入用にプロトタイプのデジタルトークンを発行することを通じて価値と流動性を保証できる、という大手プラットフォームの能力が、より汎用的な利用に転じることを可能ならしめる顕著な優位性となるかどうかを研究した。我々の主要な発見は、取引を可能にすることで顕著なコンビニエンスイールドがもたらされない限り、プラットフォームはトークンを取引できないようにすることの方が収入が高くなる可能性がある、というものである。この分析結果は、プラットフォームが取引可能なトークンを発行することに何らかの比較優位を持つとすれば、それは別の要因による、ということを示している。


「Shrinking the Tax Gap: Approaches and Revenue Potential」というNBER論文をNatasha Sarin(ペンシルベニア大)とLawrence H. Summers(ハーバード大)が上げているungated版)。以下はその要旨。

Between 2020 and 2029, the IRS will fail to collect nearly $7.5 trillion of taxes it is due. It is not possible to calculate with precision how much of this “tax gap” could be collected. This paper offers a naïve approach. The analysis suggests that with feasible changes in policy, the IRS could aspire to shrink the tax gap by around 15 percent in the next decade—generating over $1 trillion in additional revenue by performing more audits (especially of high-income earners), increasing information reporting requirements, and investing in information technology. These investments will increase efficiency and are likely to be very progressive.



Within X12-ARIMA, outliers can be dealt with implicitly or explicitly. In Step 1 of the seasonal adjustment process above, X12-ARIMA automatically identifies outliers using predetermined limits. If a value exceeds this limit it is classified as an outlier and the value is down-weighted in the subsequent iterations. This method of dealing with outliers is the implicit method and has the advantage that it is automatic and requires no manual intervention. The downside of this method, however, is that one iteration is completed before the outlier is down-weighted and, hence, the outlier influences the preliminary estimate of the trend and seasonal factor. If the outlier is extreme enough it will affect the final estimates of the trend and seasonal factor. This is illustrated in Figure 2. The outlier still affects the final estimate of the trend, even though it has been zeroweighted (as indicated by a ‘z’).
If subject-matter specialists have good a priori reason to suspect that a data point is an outlier, then another option is to override X12-ARIMA’s implicit outlier treatment. We do this by prior adjusting the series. This is the explicit method of treating outliers. The prior adjustment is done before any preliminary estimates of trend and seasonal factors are made, therefore explicitly treating an outlier will avoid the final estimates being affected by the outlier at all. ...
Prior adjustment is performed using the regression option in X12-ARIMA. Here the structure in the irregular component, due to the additive outlier, is modelled using a regression technique with the additive outlier as the regressor. The calculated parameter provides an estimate of the size of the additive outlier and this is then removed before seasonal adjustment takes place (Findley et al, 1998).
事前調整はX12-ARIMAの回帰オプションを用いて実施される。ここでは、加法型異常値によりもたらされる不規則変動の構造が、加法型異常値を説明変数とする回帰技法を用いてモデル化される。算出されたパラメータは加法型異常値の大きさの推計値になっており、季節調整が行われる前に除去される(Findley et al, 1998*3)。


*2:原注:Data from Purchases of Buses time series, Gross Domestic Expenditure.

*3:cf. ここ


前回エントリで紹介したブランシャールのツイートにGeorge Selgin が反応し、自分が以前(3月5日)書いた表題の記事(原題は「On Empty Purses and MMT Rhetoric」)にリンクしている。そこでは、「政府支出は自動的に貨幣創造によって賄われる」という趣旨のケルトンの主張に反論すると同時に、ブランシャールのいわゆる「FRB財務省口座残高をマイナスにはできない」という点について詳説している。

Professor Kelton insists, on the contrary, that Congress “is not like a household or even a business.” In the government's case, she suggests, the Fed will fill any breach "by creating new money." In other words, the government doesn’t have to worry about its checks ever bouncing, because the Fed will cover any shortfall.
But that just ain't so. Indeed, when it comes to being able to rely on its bank to cover its expenditures, Congress is in one crucial respect more constrained than ordinary households and businesses are. That’s because, although most bank depositors enjoy certain overdraft privileges, and the Fed once granted similar privileges to the Treasury, in 1981 Congress itself permanently eliminated the Treasury’s overdraft privileges. Consequently, if Congress is to avoid running out of money, it can’t write checks in amounts exceeding the balances in its TGA account.
Furthermore, as Eric Tymoigne, another well-known (and especially thoughtful) Modern Monetary Theorist, explained in a blog post written several years ago, even when the Treasury did enjoy overdraft privileges on its TGA account, it made only very limited use of them, and never did so “because it was running out of money.” In those days, and indeed until the 2008 crisis, besides its TGA (“Treasury General Account”) balance at the Fed, the Treasury also maintained substantial balances in TT&L (“Treasury Tax and Loan”) Service accounts at various commercial banks. Although the Treasury occasionally overdrew its TGA account, thereby borrowing a corresponding amount from the Fed, it never borrowed more than it had available in its TT&L account balances. Instead, it borrowed in anticipation of anticipated receipts to avoid making temporary withdrawals from those TT&L accounts that would otherwise have necessitated countervailing Fed open-market operations.
In short, while they were still permitted, the Treasury’s TGA overdrafts served, not to make life easier for Congress, but to make it easier for the Fed.


Might Professor Kelton's claims be at least partially vindicated by the existence of some mechanism through which Congressional disbursements that reduce the TGA balance automatically lead to corresponding, additional Fed security purchases? No such luck. It's true that, under the pre-2008 system, disbursements from the TGA account tended to be expansionary, because they shifted high-powered base dollars into the commercial banking system. Once there they tended to flow into the fed funds market, reducing the effective fed funds rate, on their way to ultimately promoting disproportional expansion in the quantity of bank lending and deposits. But for that very reason the Fed routinely resorted to open-market security sales to offset such shifts.
TGA残高を減らす議会の歳出はFRBによる相当額の追加的な国債購入に自動的につながる、という何らかの仕組みの存在によって、ケルトン教授の主張は少なくとも部分的には正当化され得るだろうか? 話はそう上手くは行かない。2008年以前の制度下でTGA口座からの歳出に拡張的な傾向があったのは事実だ。というのは、ハイパワードマネーを商業銀行システムに注入したからだ。そこからFF市場に流れ込み、実効FF金利を引き下げ、最終的には銀行の融資額と預金額の一方的な拡大を促した。しかしまさにそのために、FRBは、そうした変動を打ち消すべく定期的に公開市場で国債売却という手段を採った。


But while it’s true that, prior to the recent crisis and other things equal, transfers from the Treasury’s TT&L accounts to its TGA account (as opposed to disbursements from the TGA itself) called for offsetting Fed open-market bond purchases, such purchases add, not to the government's bank balances, but to the balances of bond dealers. To raise a like amount of revenue for itself, the government would have to sell a like amount of additional bonds. That is, it would have to raise extra money by going further into debt. Tymoigne’s claim that “the Treasury will get financed by the Fed because only the Fed supplies the funds that the Treasury uses” is a non-sequitur. The Treasury will get financed only if it either taxes or borrows more — though the Fed may assist it in doing the last of these by increasing its own purchases of Treasury securities.
In today's environment of abundant excess reserves, in contrast, it’s no longer necessary for the Fed to offset movements of high-powered money either into or out of the TGA, because such movements no longer translate into increased bank borrowing or lending on the fed funds market, and a corresponding tendency for the effective fed funds rate to differ from its assigned target.


Prof. Nemuroさんも取り上げているが、ブランシャールがMMTについて今月4日にツイートしている

Taking again the risk of discussing an MMT proposition, and fully expecting to be told that I have not understood….
One of the propositions of MMT is that, in contrast to standard mainstream arguments, government spending is automatically financed by money creation.
(This typically comes with statements that one must carefully look at the flows, but that once one has looked, the proposition is obvious)
I believe the proposition is both right, and utterly irrelevant.
It is right: When the government buys something or pays somebody, it draws on its Treasury account at the Fed (so long as there are funds on the account, as the account cannot go negative). This indeed automatically increases central bank money in circulation.
So, in this sense, the spending is automatically financed by money.
It is however utterly irrelevant, because of what happens next.
In the olden days (i.e before bank reserves paid interest), the Fed targeted the funds rate. When the additional funds were deposited at the banks, and, as a result, the amount of central bank money in circulation was too high, it would intervene through an open market operation.
It would decrease central bank money by selling bonds. So, at the end of the day (literally the day), the money supply was unchanged. The amount of government bonds in the hands of the public was higher. Higher spending led to higher interest-paying debt of the government.
Nowadays, bank reserves pay interest. As banks are willing to hold interest-paying reserves, the Fed does not need to intervene. So, after the initial increase in central bank money, the additional funds are held by banks as interest-paying reserves.
From a fiscal viewpoint however, the increase in interest paying bank reserves is like an increase in gvt bonds: : Both pay roughly the same rate. As in the olden days, higher spending leads to higher interest-paying debt of the consolidated gvt (central gvt and central bank).
In short, what happens initially is irrelevant for what happens later.



というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「On Frequent Batch Auctions for Stocks」で、著者はRavi Jagannathan(ノースウエスタン大)。以下はその要旨。

I show that frequent batch auctions for stocks have the potential to reduce the severity of stock price crashes when they occur. For a given sequence of orders from a continuous electronic limit order book market, matching orders using one second apart batch auctions results in nearly the same trades and prices. Increasing the time interval between auctions to one minute significantly reduces the severity stock price crashes. In spite of this and other advantages pointed out in the literature, frequent batch auctions have not caught on. There is a need for carefully designed market experiments to understand why, and what aspect of reality academic research may be missing.