
ここで紹介したように、かつてブログでピケティ=サエズ論文について書いたことのあるOwen Zidarが、ピケティ本をもじったような表題の共著NBER論文を1月に上げている直近のungated版)。原題は「Capitalists in the Twenty-First Century」で、著者はMatthew Smith(財務省)、Danny Yagan(UCバークレー)、Owen Zidar(プリンストン大)、Eric Zwick(シカゴ大)*1

How important is human capital at the top of the U.S. income distribution? Using tax data linking 11 million firms to their owners, this paper finds that entrepreneurs are key for understanding top income inequality. Most top income is non-wage income, a primary source of which is private "pass-through" business profit. These profits—which can include labor income disguised for tax reasons—accrue to working-age owners of closely-held, mid-market firms in skill-intensive industries. Pass-through business profit falls by three-quarters after owner retirement or premature death. Classifying three-quarters of pass-through profit as human capital income, we find that the typical top earner derives most of his or her income from human capital, not financial capital. Our approach also raises the overall top 1% labor share in 2014 from 45% to 56%. Growth in pass-through profit is explained by both rising productivity and a rising share of value added accruing to owners.
人的資本は米国の所得分布の上位層でどれだけ重要だろうか? 1100万の企業とそのオーナーを結び付けた税データを用いて、本稿は、起業家が所得上位層の格差を理解する上でカギとなることを見い出した。上位層の所得の大部分は賃金以外の所得であり、その主な源泉は個人の「パススルー」事業利益である*2。こうした利益は、税制上の理由で偽装した労働所得が含まれ得るが、技能集約度の高い産業における中間市場を対象とした非公開企業の働き盛りのオーナーに帰属する。オーナーの退職後、もしくは早死にの後に、パススルー事業利益は4分の3低下する。パススルー利益の4分の3を人的資本所得と分類した結果、典型的な所得上位者は、その所得の大部分を金融資本ではなく人的資本から得ていることを我々は見い出した。我々の手法はまた、2014年における上位1%の労働所得の比率を45%から56%に上昇させた。パススルー所得の伸びは、生産性の上昇と、オーナーに帰属する付加価値の比率が上昇したことの双方で説明される。



*2:cf. ここここで紹介したマンキューのブログエントリ、および、トランプ減税におけるパススルーの扱いについてのサマーズクルーグマンの批判。


インフレねたをもう一丁。ローレンス・ボールらが1月に表題のNBER論文を上げている昨年10月25-26日のチリ中央銀行の年次コンファレンスでのWPおよびスライド資料)。原題は「The Nonpuzzling Behavior of Median Inflation」で、著者はLaurence M. Ball(ジョンズ・ホプキンス大)、Sandeep Mazumder(ウェイクフォレスト大)。

Economists are puzzled by the behavior of U.S. inflation since the Great Recession of 2008-2009, and many suggest that the Phillips curve relating inflation to unemployment has broken down. This paper argues that inflation behavior is easier to understand if we divide headline inflation into core and transitory components, and if core inflation is measured by the weighted median of industry inflation rates. This weighted median is less volatile than the traditional measure of core inflation, the inflation rate excluding food and energy prices, because it filters out large price changes in all industries. We illustrate the usefulness of the weighted median with a case study of inflation in 2017 and early 2018. We also show that a Phillips curve relating the weighted median to unemployment appears clearly in the data for 1985-2017, with no sign of a breakdown in 2008.

インフレはすぐそこまで来ているのか? フィリップス曲線と世界のインフレ圧力

以前紹介した潜在GDPに関する論文のトリオが、表題のNBER論文を1月に上げている著者の1人のサイトからungated版が読める)。原題は「Is Inflation Just Around the Corner? The Phillips Curve and Global Inflationary Pressures」で、著者はOlivier Coibion(テキサス大オースティン校)、Yuriy Gorodnichenko(UCバークレー)、Mauricio Ulate(同)。

The length of the recovery since the Great Recession and the low reported levels of the unemployment rate in the U.S. are increasingly generating concerns about inflationary pressures. We document that an expectations-augmented Phillips curve can account for inflation not just in the U.S. but across a range of countries, once household or firm-level inflation expectations are used. Given this relationship, we can infer the dynamics of slack from the dynamics of inflation gaps and vice versa. We find that the implied slack was pushing inflation below expectations in the years after the Great Recession but the global and U.S. inflation gaps have shrunk in recent years thus suggesting tighter economic conditions. While we find no evidence that inflation is on the brink of rising, the sustained deflationary pressures following the Great Recession have abated.


アイケングリーンの1月のNBER論文をもう一丁。以下は表題のNBER論文(原題は「From Commodity to Fiat and Now to Crypto: What Does History Tell Us?」)の要旨。

Over time, there has been a tendency for political jurisdictions and residents to converge on a single currency. Monopoly over seigniorage is a source of political power and a valuable lifeline when sovereignty is threatened. Moreover a uniform currency, insofar as it is free of counterparty and liquidity risk, facilitates economic activity. But will digital currencies now reverse this trend toward uniformity, given the apparent ease with which they can be created? The information sensitivity of those units, evident in the fact that they trade at varying prices, suggests that they do not yet provide the core functions of money. So-called stable coins are intended to bridge this gap, but whether they can be successfully scaled up and maintain their stability is doubtful. The one unit that can clearly meet these challenges is central bank digital currency. But there would be both costs and benefits of moving in this direction.
時間の経過と共に、行政区域と住民が単一通貨に収束していく傾向がこれまで見られてきた。シニョリッジの独占は政治的権力の源であり、主権が脅かされた場合には貴重なライフラインとなる。また、カウンターパーティリスクと流動性リスクを免れているという点において、統一通貨は経済活動を円滑化する。しかし、この統一性への流れを、その創造の明白な容易性によって、今やデジタル通貨が逆転させてしまうのだろうか? こうした通貨は、様々な価格で取引されているという事実に明らかなように、情報に敏感であるが、そのことは、未だ貨幣の中核機能を提供していないことを示している。いわゆるステーブルコインはこの間隙を埋めることを意図しているが、上手く拡大しつつその安定性を維持できるかは疑わしい。以上の課題に明確に対応できる一つの通貨は、中央銀行のデジタル通貨である。しかし、その方向に進むには費用と便益の両方が存在する。


5日に公的債務に関するブランシャールの1月のAEA会長講演を紹介したが、アイケングリーンらが「Public Debt Through the Ages」というNBER論文を1月に書いている。著者はBarry Eichengreen(UCバークレー)、Asmaa El-Ganainy(IMF)、Rui Pedro Esteves(国際・開発研究大学*1)、Kris James Mitchener(サンタクララ大)。

We consider public debt from a long-term historical perspective, showing how the purposes for which governments borrow have evolved over time. Periods when debt-to-GDP ratios rose explosively as a result of wars, depressions and financial crises also have a long history. Many of these episodes resulted in debt-management problems resolved through debasements and restructurings. Less widely appreciated are successful debt consolidation episodes, instances in which governments inheriting heavy debts ran primary surpluses for long periods in order to reduce those burdens to sustainable levels. We analyze the economic and political circumstances that made these successful debt consolidation episodes possible.


Not all governments were able to implement this good equilibrium, however. Some countries defaulted and restructured their debts, often repeatedly. Inflation and financial repression were used to reduce domestic claims on the public sector. Episodes like that in the third quarter of the 20th century, when high advanced economy debts were brought down through a combination of rapid economic growth and budgetary discipline, were exceptions to this rule.

*1:cf. Wikipedia


といううNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Regulation of Private Money」で、著者はGary B. Gorton(イェール大)。

Financial crises are bank runs. At root the problem is short-term debt (private money), which while an essential feature of market economies, is inherently vulnerable to runs in all its forms (not just demand deposits). Bank regulation aims at preventing bank runs. History shows two approaches to bank regulation: the use of high quality collateral to back banks’ short-term debt and government insurance for the short-term debt. Also, explicit or implicit limitations on entry into banking can create charter value (an intangible asset) that is lost if the bank fails. This can create an incentive for the bank to abide by the regulations and not take too much risk.


昨日に続き、アセモグルとPascual Restrepoのコンビが3月に上げた自動化に関するNBER論文を紹介する。以下は、表題のNBER論文(原題は「Automation and New Tasks: How Technology Displaces and Reinstates Labor」、ungated版)の要旨。

We present a framework for understanding the effects of automation and other types of technological changes on labor demand, and use it to interpret changes in US employment over the recent past. At the center of our framework is the allocation of tasks to capital and labor—the task content of production. Automation, which enables capital to replace labor in tasks it was previously engaged in, shifts the task content of production against labor because of a displacement effect. As a result, automation always reduces the labor share in value added and may reduce labor demand even as it raises productivity. The effects of automation are counterbalanced by the creation of new tasks in which labor has a comparative advantage. The introduction of new tasks changes the task content of production in favor of labor because of a reinstatement effect, and always raises the labor share and labor demand. We show how the role of changes in the task content of production—due to automation and new tasks—can be inferred from industry-level data. Our empirical decomposition suggests that the slower growth of employment over the last three decades is accounted for by an acceleration in the displacement effect, especially in manufacturing, a weaker reinstatement effect, and slower growth of productivity than in previous decades.